RainFern's List of Cultures August 2014

Currently, I am culturing the following livefoods :

* Mealworms
* Crickets
* Confused Flour Beetles

Aquatic Livefood :

* Daphnia Magna
* Aquatic Snails (Freshwater Puffers eat these.)
* Aquatic Scuds (Gammarus)
* Brine Shrimp
* Blackworms

___ I'm also helping-out a mouse-feeder-breeder and a tilapia farmer, at this time. ___

I plan to add more livefoods to my fishes diets, as soon as possible. 
These will include :

* Ghost Shrimp (Aquatic)
* Red Worms
* Vinegar Eels
* Microworms
* Banana Worms
* Walter Worms
* Superworms
* Waxworms
* Flightless Fruitflies
* Fairy Shrimp (Aquatic)
* Microfex Worms (Dero Worms) (Aquatic)
* Tubifex Worms (Aquatic)

Also, I plan to get some live aquatic plants. Some animals eat aquatic plants, for example, goldfish might eat duckweed plants.

Whew, and I think that about covers it!

*** For Now... ***



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